
Ihr Kefir oder Joghurtgetränk aus Eiweißpulver selber machen

Make your own kefir or yogurt drink from protei...

Why buy kefir in the supermarket when you can easily make it yourself? Our Kefir Whey already has bifidogenic activity. This means there are prebiotic bacteria that help with digestion....

Make your own kefir or yogurt drink from protei...

Why buy kefir in the supermarket when you can easily make it yourself? Our Kefir Whey already has bifidogenic activity. This means there are prebiotic bacteria that help with digestion....

Kefirknollen fermentiertes Protein

<transcy>4 reasons why fermentation revolutioni...

Protein supplements aren't just for bodybuilders and athletes anymore - and they haven't been for a while. High protein supplements also help with diets like Low Carb and are a...

<transcy>4 reasons why fermentation revolutioni...

Protein supplements aren't just for bodybuilders and athletes anymore - and they haven't been for a while. High protein supplements also help with diets like Low Carb and are a...

Weidemilch aber bitte aus Irland

<transcy>Grass-Fed Milk - From Ireland, Please<...

Grass-Fed - a popular keyword that adorns more and more meat- and dairy products. What does grass-fed milk mean? It means that the cows that gave the milk live and...

<transcy>Grass-Fed Milk - From Ireland, Please<...

Grass-Fed - a popular keyword that adorns more and more meat- and dairy products. What does grass-fed milk mean? It means that the cows that gave the milk live and...

Ist Kefir gesund? Darum fermentiert man Molke

Is kefir healthy? That's why you ferment whey

Fermentation leads to bioactives and the growth of friendly bacteria. The name kefir comes from the Turkish word “keyif” and means “ well-being ”. During fermentation or fermentation, whey is...

Is kefir healthy? That's why you ferment whey

Fermentation leads to bioactives and the growth of friendly bacteria. The name kefir comes from the Turkish word “keyif” and means “ well-being ”. During fermentation or fermentation, whey is...